I edit posts randomly. Just so you know.

Feb 20, 2008

Attention Surplus Syndrome (A.S.S.)

My 14-year-old slam-poet ADD son came up with this one. I thought it was funny! I watch the poor kid struggling with the "gift" he inherited from me, and I'm glad he can laugh about it! He's getting pretty good at making other people laugh, too -- his slam poetry has a definite standup comic element to it. But if he goes down that path...boy am I in trouble!!!


Unknown said...

Hey, I may have missed it, but can I read the poem? by the way I'm a friend of laura, and knowing her and reading your blob has help me with understanding my daughter and maybe myself for that fact! Thanks! keep it up! Jack

Unknown said...

BLOB! sorry! If Laura has told you about me, I'm sure she has told you that I am the "most bad" speller.
I think "most bad" is spelled correctly!

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